Computational modelling and analysis

Geometric design and optimisation

Data-augmented and statistical methods

Selected recent publications

  • K. Koh, D. Toshniwal and F. Cirak. An optimally convergent smooth blended B-spline construction for unstructured quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes. Submitted for publication, 2021. Link to the arxiv preprint.
  • X. Xiao and F. Cirak. Infill topology and shape optimisation of lattice-skin structures. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, In press, 2021. Link to the arxiv preprint.
  • M. Girolami, E. Febrianto, G. Yin and F. Cirak. The statistical finite element method (statFEM) for coherent synthesis of observation data and model predictions. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 375, 113533, 2021. Link to the arxiv preprint.
  • E. Febrianto, M. Ortiz and F. Cirak. Mollified finite element approximants of arbitrary order and smoothness. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 373, 113513, 2021. Link to the arxiv preprint.
Full publication list